Humble Leadership and Organizational Commitment: The Flourishing Role of Women in the Private Workplace
Subject Areas :Nasim Mohammad ali zadeh nobar 1 , Hajar Kohansal 2 *
1 - Master of Arts in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Psychology Department, Fatemiyeh S. Shiraz Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran (First Author)
2 -
Keywords: Humble leadership style, organizational commitment, women.,
Abstract :
Choosing an appropriate leadership style can significantly improve employee performance, increase job satisfaction, and strengthen organizational commitment. This study aimed to investigate the role of humble leadership style in enhancing the organizational commitment of women employees in the city of Tabriz. The research was fundamental in nature and employed a descriptive-correlational approach (path analysis). The sample consisted of 150 women employed in private organizations in Tabriz, selected using a convenience sampling method in 2023. Data were collected using the humble leadership style questionnaire by Evans et al. (2013) and the organizational commitment questionnaire by Allen and Meyer (1990). Data analysis revealed that humble leadership style has a positive and significant impact on organizational commitment. These findings highlight the importance of adopting humble leadership style in private organizations, which often face challenges such as high competition, retention of talented human resources, and increased productivity. Humble leadership style can serve as an effective approach to enhancing employee motivation and job commitment, especially for women employees. Given that women in the workplace may encounter additional barriers, fostering their organizational commitment through the humble support and guidance of managers can significantly contribute to improving organizational performance. This approach not only boosts employee motivation but also facilitates the long-term retention and development of human capital.
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