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  • List of Articles

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Women in the Process of Transformation and Approval of Family Protection Laws with Emphasis on the Family Protection Law of 2012
        Zahra Bahramian Ghafoor Khoini
        <p>The family protection law has undergone changes and developments over different periods. Throughout these changes, efforts have consistently been made to address women&rsquo;s rights and issues. The most recent of these laws is the Family Protection Law approved in 1 More
        <p>The family protection law has undergone changes and developments over different periods. Throughout these changes, efforts have consistently been made to address women&rsquo;s rights and issues. The most recent of these laws is the Family Protection Law approved in 1391-Shamsi year. This law was approved based on the format and principles specified in the Family Protection Law of 1353. This research employs a descriptive and analytical method to explore this issue. It concludes that the approval of the Family Protection Law of 1391 has resulted in greater attention to the rights of women and families. It has also resolved some ambiguities and contradictions in the procedure of handling family cases and includes provisions that favor women, although it overlooks women in certain areas.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Presenting a Model of the Position of Women in the Governance of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        Mohsen Afrugh Saeed Baghestani
        <p>The Islamic Revolution disrupted the bipolar world system and introduced a new idea of a new sovereignty that considers sovereignty to be God's. This system bases its principles and frameworks on Islamic ideology, upon which ideals, goals, programs, and policies are More
        <p>The Islamic Revolution disrupted the bipolar world system and introduced a new idea of a new sovereignty that considers sovereignty to be God's. This system bases its principles and frameworks on Islamic ideology, upon which ideals, goals, programs, and policies are designed and implemented. Good governance is one of the supreme goals of the Islamic system. To achieve high governance and global civilization, Islamic society needs to provide a plan for all its actors and participants. Therefore, since more than half of the population is made up of "women", the Islamic government is required to set an example for them in its governance. This study uses a descriptive-analytical method to explain Islamic sovereignty and raised requirements. The result of this study is the Islamic governance pattern in the field of women, with an explanation of related indicators. The research findings should be followed in a systematic and interconnected manner across three systems: epistemology-philosophical, value-motivating, and structural. In fact, to achieve the model of women's governance, the three systems must operate in a specific geometry, resulting in the example of the "third model of women."</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Impact of Collaborative Learning on Social Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of Female Students in Multi-Grade Classes
        khadijeh aerab sheibani khadijeh alipor AMIRHOSSEIN gholami
        <p>The present study examined the impact of collaborative learning on social self-efficacy and academic achievement of female students in the Qur'an lesson of multi-grade classes. The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design and a control g More
        <p>The present study examined the impact of collaborative learning on social self-efficacy and academic achievement of female students in the Qur'an lesson of multi-grade classes. The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group. To measure the variables, Ladd and Wheeler's social self-efficacy questionnaire and the academic achievement test in the Qur'an lesson were used. Two classes were selected through convenient sampling, one was as the experimental group (n=15) and the other as the control group (n=15). Pre-tests were administered to both groups using the academic achievement test and the social self-efficacy questionnaire. The experimental group received Qur'an lessons through collaborative learning in 15 sessions (45 minutes), while the control group was taught using traditional methods. Post-tests were administered to both groups after the intervention period. The data was analyzed using covariance analysis. The results showed the significant superiority of the experimental group in the academic improvement in academic achievement for the experimental group in the Qur'an course, but no significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of social self-efficacy.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Women, Family, Childbearing in Strengthening the Position of Motherhood
        Nahid Javidi Seyed Ali Mousavi nasab
        <p>One of the most fundamentalneeds of any society for its survival is the reproduction of the generations. The issue of women, as a vital part of human society, deserves the same level of scrutiny and deep analysis as the human condition itself. Any analysis of women's More
        <p>One of the most fundamentalneeds of any society for its survival is the reproduction of the generations. The issue of women, as a vital part of human society, deserves the same level of scrutiny and deep analysis as the human condition itself. Any analysis of women's life dimensions, excluding gender characteristics, equates to an analysis of human life. Therefore, understanding a woman's status and dignity is essentially understanding human dignity. It is also indisputable that knowledge of oneself is a benchmark for other knowledge. Considering that half of the population consists of women, and they play crucial roles in various societal domains, including the family and child-rearing, which form the foundation of society, addressing women's issues as social and human capital is of utmost importance. If women shy away from marriage and childbearing, the population will decline, and the human race will face the risk of extinction. This study examines women, family, childbearing, and strengthening the position of motherhood from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an using the library research method and an analytical-descriptive approach. The findings indicate that attention to women's intrinsic qualities, gender justice, and social security in society can significantly impact childbearing and family dynamics. Conversely, the major obstacle is the adherence to feminist thinking, which can undermine the roles of motherhood and childbearing.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Sexual Harassment of Girls Under 10 and Their Vulnerability During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Review Study
        Soodeh Dashtiane fatemeh taheri
        <p>This study aims to investigate the sexual harassment of girls and the injuries inflicted on them during the quarantine period of the coronavirus pandemic. This narrative review involved a comprehensive search of databases, including PubMed, Science Direct, Civilica, More
        <p>This study aims to investigate the sexual harassment of girls and the injuries inflicted on them during the quarantine period of the coronavirus pandemic. This narrative review involved a comprehensive search of databases, including PubMed, Science Direct, Civilica, Noormags, SID, Springer, and Google Scholar, reviewing published articles on the sexual abuse of girls during the Covid-19 outbreak in recent years. The articles revealed contradictory and dual results. In the early stages of COVID-19, there were signs of resilience in the general population with an extraordinary ability to bounce back and adapt. However, during the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine conditions, the environment for violence, mistreatment at home, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse against girls was fostered. Therefore, educating and informing parents, as well as educating and informing girls, can be very effective in this regard. For this reason, one of the ways to improve this situation is to increase the awareness and knowledge of parents and daughters, in various means during the corona pandemic.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Designing and Explaining the Conceptual Model of Training Female School Employees in Virtual Space
        Abadaleh Ah,madi Nader Shahamat Moslem Salehi hamed khoramshokuh
        <p>Considering the numerous challenges in online education, this research aims to compile and design a new and innovative model of virtual education. In the qualitative phase, among the qualitative research strategies, the grounded theory was used to develop a comprehen More
        <p>Considering the numerous challenges in online education, this research aims to compile and design a new and innovative model of virtual education. In the qualitative phase, among the qualitative research strategies, the grounded theory was used to develop a comprehensive model that includes causal factors, intervening factors, contextual factors, and conceptual model strategies for training female school employees in virtual space. Interviews were used as the primary data collection tool. Based on the obtained results, a total of 143 concepts and 21 categories or open codes were identified and extracted. The 21 identified categories were placed in the 6 main grounded data categories. Based on the results of the qualitative method, a questionnaire based on the extracted model was compiled and provided to female teachers. According to the results of the structural equation modeling of the questionnaire data, causal relationships with a factor loading of 0.435 and a T-statistic of 9.624 have a direct and significant effect on the main category. Therefore, causal conditions have a positive and significant effect on the main category. The main category, with a factor loading of 0.471 and a T-statistic of 7.734, has a direct and significant effect on strategies. The main category positively and significantly affects strategies. Strategies, with a factor loading of 0.512, affect the outcomes. Strategies have a positive and significant impact on outcomes. Intervening conditions have a direct and significant effect on the outcomes with a factor loading of 0.491. Therefore, intervening conditions positively and significantly affect the strategy. Finally, the contextual conditions, with a factor loading of 0.529, have a direct effect on the outcomes. Contextual conditions have a positive and significant effect on the strategy. In the end, the statistical validity of the model was confirmed.</p> Manuscript profile