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        1 - Women, Family, Childbearing in Strengthening the Position of Motherhood
        Nahid Javidi Seyed Ali Mousavi nasab
        <p>One of the most fundamentalneeds of any society for its survival is the reproduction of the generations. The issue of women, as a vital part of human society, deserves the same level of scrutiny and deep analysis as the human condition itself. Any analysis of women's More
        <p>One of the most fundamentalneeds of any society for its survival is the reproduction of the generations. The issue of women, as a vital part of human society, deserves the same level of scrutiny and deep analysis as the human condition itself. Any analysis of women's life dimensions, excluding gender characteristics, equates to an analysis of human life. Therefore, understanding a woman's status and dignity is essentially understanding human dignity. It is also indisputable that knowledge of oneself is a benchmark for other knowledge. Considering that half of the population consists of women, and they play crucial roles in various societal domains, including the family and child-rearing, which form the foundation of society, addressing women's issues as social and human capital is of utmost importance. If women shy away from marriage and childbearing, the population will decline, and the human race will face the risk of extinction. This study examines women, family, childbearing, and strengthening the position of motherhood from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an using the library research method and an analytical-descriptive approach. The findings indicate that attention to women's intrinsic qualities, gender justice, and social security in society can significantly impact childbearing and family dynamics. Conversely, the major obstacle is the adherence to feminist thinking, which can undermine the roles of motherhood and childbearing.</p> Manuscript profile